Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Follow - Stop Watching The Pot!

You know the saying 'The watched pot never boils'? What that saying means is that if we watch or wait for something to happen it seems to take much longer.... Well ladies and gentlemen - my life is that watched pot... We are waiting for that phone to ring... that email to come.. Something to happen to let us know if we are staying or packing up our bags....

You know what it is like - When all indication look good but you just don't know for sure until you have it in writing ... or the decision maker says - "Congratulations - you're hired!" After five (5) days of interviewing that ended on Wednesday - my husband was told they would try to give him a final answer by Friday... Well, Folks it's Friday at 1:50 PM our time..... 3:50 PM their time...

I'm trying to make myself to stop thinking about it.... Trying to focus on something else... But obviously by the post... I'm not succeeding...

Well Happy Follow Friday - Here's to NOT watching the POT!


  1. It is SO hard when you're waiting for something like that!

  2. It's hard not to watch the pot when it's a big deal like this is. Hope you hear soon!

  3. Kelly - you asked about the bleeding hearts. They don't have a scent.

  4. I hope the pot bubbled over with the delectable mix you were looking for!

    Come on over for some mom inspiration and encouragement!

  5. Kelly,

    Hang in there, when it happens then you will have a whole new situation to deal with. Just give it up to God in prayer, specifically and then let Him handle it. Celebrate something good for today!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  6. Thank you for finding me on FF, I have tickled to have the chance to follow you back!
    The "time frame" thing is a tough one while the clock ticks away... but 2 of my kids had the same experience, and they both got called and hired at that job-- 3 days after the deadline! Not very respectful on the employers part to be so late in calling, but hey! if it's meant to be it will happen.
    My friend just told me yesterday that God answers our prayers in 3 ways- yes, no, and not yet! Makes sense:)
    Will be checking back to see how it went.

  7. I hope you were able to sit back and relax at some point today and that you got the news you were hoping for.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. That can definitely feel like a long wait. Hope you get good news soon :) Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Oh sucks having to wait hoping to hear some good news! Sending up a prayer that your hubby gets the job!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I'm already following you with both of my blogs from the last Friday Follow. :) Have a great weekend.

  10. Well it's now 10 here in this area, hope that you got the phone call by now. Though I've had it where they don't call on time, sometimes several days later.....

  11. Why does it always happen on a Friday so folks can stew over the weekend? Why don't they say Thursday and mean it? :)

  12. Hang it there. I hope you'll get some good news soon.

    Have a wonderful weekend, my bloggy pally!!

  13. That is a tough one...I hope you have found out by the time you read way or another..Good Luck..!..Id love to know what happens..!

  14. Best wishes! Unfortunately I understand and am going through the same issue. Good luck and try not to watch the pot!! Easier said than done. Now your newest follower!

  15. Visiting and following from Friday Follow. So glad you joined us! Wishing you the best weekend evah and that your husband got the call!

    ~ Lynn

  16. If you don't mind me saying at the risk of telling you what to do, carve yourself out some alone time and just quiet yourself. Be still. Listen for the still small voice. I have my "appointment" today.

  17. Thanks for visiting my blog for Friday Follow ! I'm following you back :)

  18. Happy FF! Just stopping by to give a little comment love!

  19. Thank you all for your sweet comments. Well as of this morning (Saturday) 3 internal out of the territory candidates have applied and Co. policy requires an interview... Crossing my fingers that they fall on their faces... In a nice way of course.. Love to you - my friends.

  20. Thank you for following Wild Rose! Returning the favor and following you too. Can't wait to read more. Hope you have a great day!

  21. I hope you had good news on Friday! keep us posted and we will pray. you know what they say? time flies when your having fun! go do something fun if you are still waiting.


  22. Thanks for visiting my blog! Following you from FF! :)

  23. It's Sunday night, and I'm still waiting to hear what happened. Hang in there, it will be good news one way or another.

  24. HI! Thanks for stopping by The Scoop and leaving some love. Good luck. It's Sunday, I hope you got your answer!

  25. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I’m your newest follower too. I look forward to checking out more of your blog. :)

  26. I so watch the pot & sweat things like that! : ) I am following you back now from FF.

  27. I am following you from Friday Follow.

    Jeanette Huston



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