Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Pregnant Girl's Choice...

A counselor friend of mine told me this story... I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it...

A young girl (I'll call her Lucy) found out that she was pregnant... She figured out that she must be around two months along... Lucy is a senior in high school - very popular - very beautiful - very athletic - and a very good student... She was hoping to win a track scholarship - she is a long distance runner...

Lucy was not happy she was pregnant... She believed that her pregnancy would ruin her dreams of obtaining a college scholarship and because of this she was very doubtful that she would have the opportunity to go to college... She comes from a low income single parent home and the money just wasn't there... She was afraid to apply for student loans because of the life she has lived - a mom that was always in debt with no light at the end of the tunnel... She did not want her mom's life.... She wanted more.... Lucy's mom wanted more for Lucy too....

Lucy decided that she could not keep this baby.. She wanted more for it.. Lucy called an adoption hot line to get information about placing her baby up for adoption... Abortion did not cross Lucy's mind.... Lucy asked her mom to come with her when she spoke with the adoption agency... Lucy's mom was in shock that Lucy would consider "giving" her baby away to strangers... Lucy tried to explain to her mom that because she loved the baby already - she did not want the child to be brought up by a single mom - in a trailer. Lucy believed placing the child up for adoption would be better for the child and be better for her - she could make something of herself...

Lucy's mom was very against adoption... She believed that if Lucy was not going to keep the baby then she should abort it.... The reason being is that a baby would distort Lucy's body.. it would rob her of a college scholarship.. kids at school would make fun of her and call her names... and Lucy's life would be ruined.... Lucy did not want to abort the baby... so Lucy's mom did what any bad mom would do... She kicked Lucy out of the house/trailer....

Two years later..... Lucy is starting her 2nd year at a very well known university - she won an academic scholarship ... She had a baby boy who she gave to loving parents that Lucy chose.... The adoptive parents and Lucy stay in touch with regular phone calls and pictures... and Lucy's mom??? She refuses to talk to Lucy... still...

It amazes me the thought process some people have... It's not okay to "give" a baby away.. but it's okay to "kill" it??? It's crazy this world that we live in...

** The father of the baby - denied he was the father - he refused to be a part of the decisions...


  1. I want to say shame on Lucy's mom, but we don't now what she lived through to make her form those opinions. Good for Lucy and that sweet little boy. My son and his wife have three precious little girls through adoption. They are all from different parents and they got them as infants. the birth parents are kept up to date on the girls and have even visited them in their home. My son and his wife never forget the gifts they have been given. The girls will patiently explain that they have two sets of parents, and are very well adjusted. Nothing can righten my day as much as the sound of those sweet little voices!

  2. Wow... I can't believe the mom for what she did to Lucy. How can she advocate abortion when her daughter fully understood that the baby she was carrying deserved something better?! I am so proud of Lucy for making the right choice for herself, her future, and her baby's future. Thanks for the updated part... i am so glad to hear Lucy continues to do well. what a loser of a sperm donor that guy was for wanting no part in the decision making process... where was he when it all started? Idiot! (sorry, maybe I'm getting too emotional! better stop)



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