Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Plans For 2011 - Do NOT Call Them Resolutions!!

I decided long ago to NOT make New Year's Resolutions simply because I usually break them within the week - and because I am a complete failure I then proceed to indulge myself to the extreme in all my worst vices......

So Here are My Plans ... and do NOT call them Resolutions!!!!!!

In July - I plan to take my two favorite girls (sans husband) to the East Coast for two weeks - visit DC, Boston, and NY City.. Spend our days enjoying our American History and visiting with long time friends and family...

I plan to start a healthy way of living.... Eating BBQ chips and drinking Cherry Diet Coke while I write these plans is not a good start....

I plan to spend more time for me.... I get so busy with work, kids, and husband - I forget about me... More me time is on the planner for 2011.

Now that I have an IPAD and I have downloaded a daily devotion app - I plan to spend more time in His word...

I have expectations of others and when they don't live up to them - I get upset - My plan is to let go and not expect anything... This will be hard for me... That "type A" personality trait I have is at bugger at times....

I want to love more freely and gracefully.....

I live in a beautiful part of the country and I am always stuck in my office at home... I plan to take walks... Go to the beach, parks, neighborhood, and wherever... I need to get off my butt and soak in the beauty of my world...
What Are Your Resolutions Plans for 2011?


  1. Those are all really great plans!
    I love the start of a New Year and the way life feels fresh and new - like you can accomplish anything!

  2. I forgot to say that I PLAN on exercising more!

  3. I like your plans- and I also like calling them plans, not resolutions. I plan to eat better, walk more and spend more time with His word!

  4. Your plans sound great!! Not sure what mine are!1

  5. Very good plans! I'm working on my *plans* right now, just need to finish my coffee first :)

  6. I make the plans and never see them through past March. Hence my plans are to not make any plans but good luck on your plans!



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