Monday, May 24, 2010

Going Public.... Yikes!

It's hard to believe that both my girls will be graduating from their schools in a couple of weeks.. My oldest from 8th grade and the youngest from 6th grade.. This is the last year they will be attending their private Christian school..... This fall they will be going public... yikes... No more uniforms... No more prayer... No more Christian values ( in the curriculum)...

Making this transition was a difficult decision to make... After much thought, prayer, and pro/con lists we believe that our decision is for the best.... We have learned that staying in a Christian school does not necessarily protect our kids from the "real" world.. In many ways - the kids can be just as awful... The teachers can be cold and distant... Having the title "Christian" does not instantly make a person warm and fuzzy.... Just look at me... I know that I can be very unpleasant.. just ask the husband... the kids.. and I'm on the women ministry team... lol...

The girls will be going away to college before we know it.... I will not be there to guide them... The next few years - I believe will give them the opportunity to make the right choices in a "mom safe" environment... It will give them the chance to stand up for what is right... Make new and exciting friends... Friends that can last a life time... at least that is my hope.... Another plus - is now the school tuition payments will be going towards the college funds....

I believe our decision was the right one and it's great to know that the girls are excited about this new chapter in their lives.... Now if we can slow down the clock.... they are growing up way too fast...... I am sooo NOT ready for college...


  1. Wow, I can't imagine what you are feeling! I think you made the right choice! Sorry I haven't been around lately it has been crazy here.

  2. We have had kids in both schools and you are right in what you said. I'm sure your girls will do well!

  3. Kelly, my heart goes out to you and yet, you have two very amazing young ladies that are making this decision all that much easier for you.

  4. Kelly,

    Just pray for them everyday and hope that they will remain shining lights in dark places and bring many who don't know God to find Him.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. Kelly,

    Please help me spread the word of a sister in Christ who so desperately needs help with a limited amount of time left.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  6. I wish them luck with public school!

  7. I am sure that they will be a light and a blessing to the new friends that they make! Public schools need good Christian students too!! I don't know where I would have been without my closest friend in school, a faithful and outspoken Christian girl who kept me in check!! Praying for you, and them!

  8. I wish them all the best luck! I'm sure they'll do fine. They'll make many new friends. It is scary to transition.

  9. I'm sure that you have laid the right path out for your girls and will continue to enforce solid core values!

    Don't blink... they grow up so very fast!

  10. Hi there - I hope you dont mind a comment from the UK? Any kind of a transition is such a scary time - my son is disabled and we made the decision to put him in a mainstream (public) school with extra help whilst he was there. Unfortunately, that help, which was supposed to be organised by the school themselves never materialised, and we were forced to move him to a privately funded special needs learning group. He has never been happier. That said, many years ago my mother was put in a convent school by my Catholic grandmother, while she was there she suffered greatly and one experience in particular very nearly killed her. She was only 5 years old at the time, and was immediately moved to a mainstream school where she did very well. My point is it doesnt necessarily matter whether it is a Christian or Mainstream school that is chosen for the children. One is not always necessarily going to be better than the other, as my grandma once said - there is good and bad wherever you go, neither are mutually exclusive. What matters is listening to your children and doing what is right for them as individuals, then instilling in them as many good values as you can think of whilst they are still in your care, in the hopes that they remember them when they step out into the big wide world. That is all any parent can do, whether Christian or otherwise. I suppose due to her experiences, my mother taught us that it doesnt matter where you are - you can always pray, you can be on the bus, or in the street. You dont have to be in church or a "christian environment" to do this when it is necessary. Exposing children to the world as it is, is not always going to be a bad thing. My parents took a huge leap of faith in sending me to Egypt and Israel when I was only 14 years old, and some of the poverty that I saw in these places I will never forget. BUT I learned one of the most valuable lessons in humanity that I will ever learn, from a leper on the streets of Alexandria, and I got to stand and observe in the places where Jesus Christ was born, where he lived.... and where he died. I sincerely hope that nobody on here gives you grief for the brave decision you have made. I wish you love and peace.

  11. What a great idea to apply the tuition funds toward college!



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