Monday, September 7, 2009

A Music Generation Gap In My House!!

There is a huge generation gap in my house!!! Today, Dusty and Nikki were cleaning out the garage.... Nikki asked Dusty if they could listen to her kind of music... Dusty thinking that he was still hip.... still into the scene... said "Absolutely".. I think he secretly wanted to show his eldest that he still knew his music... that he was a cool dude.. a cool with-it dad....

So they are cleaning the garage and I walk out to change the clothes from the washer to the dryer and I heard the most hideous music... screeching really... My comment wasn't the best thing I have ever said.. "This music makes me want to throw something through the wall - it's awful.... it's irritating the H E double hockey sticks out of me" Yep, I said the H E double hockey sticks word..... If you read my blog- you would know that I am working on my F bombs and other various letter bombs - so H E double hockey sticks is pretty good for me.. any hoo... Dusty pipes in and says that "I Agree! - this is awful"

I remember the day when my parents would say my music was awful... that it was screeching and what the heck was I listening too - how could I understand the words..
I guess the title of my blog is true once again... I've HAVE
Become My Mother.....

Her Music..... this is what I walked in today..

My Music.... this what my parents walked in to twenty-six (26) years ago..

Who's music do you think is better?


  1. No question - yours is way better! I was lucky that my kids didn't listen to that. They listened to country or contemporary Christian music. I don't think I could take it!

  2. Oh yeah, yours is better. Hers isn't even singing, it's just sort of talking & I don't really like the message of the words! Does she just like rap? Find some Christian Rap for her to listen to. Daniel has now decided he likes heavy metal music - - talk about your screeching!!! YUK

  3. Definitely yours! I listen to a lot of 80s. My 6 year old doesn't like it, he wants to hear all the songs they play on those Kidz Bop CDs. The only music of mine that he will listen to is my Thriller album. When I was a kid, I hated my parents music, but now I actually really like it. So there is hope!

  4. YOurs is better. My daughter listens to pandora radio and it is all I can do to keep from running out of the room screaming.

  5. Kelly,

    I came from the same generation as you did and Adam Ant rocked! I can't stand the music our youth is listening to today and with all the language and subject matter being woven in, it is no wonder why some kids are the way we see them. Music does change people's behaviors and attitudes.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  6. Hey, Adam Ant ROCKS! What really bugs me is that this is thought of classic rock. REALLY classic. It's the same to them as being a teen in the 80s and listening to 50s music. That makes me feel old.

  7. It is scary the words that are in the songs young kids listen to these days. I mean most of them are about sex and drugs!

    My kids are into country music, however I have to admit they don't all have the greatest words or messages, but much better than most of the rap music.

  8. The music I like is late 60's vintage (when I was a teenager), but of course my parents thought it was awful. I wasn't fond of most of my kids' music, but I tried to listen and learn to like at least some of it. (My husband is much better at this than I am!)

  9. Adam Ant is much better! It will be interesting to see what my son listens to when he gets older :-)

  10. Another HOLY COW! I um... ahem... had to side with your daughter on this one. (Ant Eater who? Not an 80's fan AT ALL) That is, until I re-played it, listening to the lyrics.... FILTHY TRASHY NASTY HORRIBLE DIRTY AWFUL MAN! That's it. I am brainwashing my kids. They will like Christian rock and listen to only Christian rock, that's it. Nothing else. Abracadabra, if it was only that easy. *SIGH* GOOD LUCK! God's blessings upon you and your family!

  11. I know!!.... I say things to my kids all the tiem about their music.... then I realize I sound just like my mom.

  12. Posted 5 days ago doesn't seem like you or is it? Whatcha doin'?

  13. Yours is so so much better!!

    On a different note, I left an award for you over at my blog!

  14. I loved Adam Ant back in the day! Yours is definitely better! I am new to your blog, so I haven't read everything yet, but I'm sorry that people gave you a hard time about your adoption story. The story has already been deleted, so I didn't get to read it, but no one should judge until put in another's shoes. I hope their comments didn't hurt you and you are able to keep your head up as the fab mommy I'm sure you are! I am now following you!

    P.S. I have become my mother, too. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Ha ha!



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