The other day my two daughters and I were talking - talking about anything..... everything.. I just love those kinds of talks.. don't you... We talked about school, dating (scary), God, vacations, make up, and boys..... We talked about what it was like for me growing up.... They were both pretty shocked when they discovered that I did not have a cell phone (they were not invented yet), a computer, or an ipod... Technology has improved quite a bit since I was a kid - the clothes have gotten much better too - but - the feelings, emotions, and insecurities of the "teenager" is the same... Listening to my girls talk about what they feel today could have been me thirty (30) years ago....
It is very difficult for the girls to imagine me being a teen or a kid - On more than one occasion one of them has said that I wouldn't understand because I was a grown up... It's hard for them to imagine me dating - having sleep overs with friends - getting in trouble with my parents - having a crush on a boy - being rejected by the same boy (s) - dreaming of the future.. To my kids, I'm mom - not a girl... not a woman....sometimes not a person - I'm just mom - and that's okay..... and it makes me laugh.... especially when they ask me for permission to marry when they are thirty (30)....
My dream for the future is to have a relationship similar to the one my sister Debbie has with her daughters.. To always be close... To always know there is love... To enjoy each other... and when my niece called my sister her hero - that just about made me ball like a baby.... This is my dream to be the mom that my kids can always count on through thick and thin..... and one day they might even discover that I was a girl once too.....