Today I turn forty five - it's hard to believe I am this old... My mind tells me I am still young but my body- now that's a different story.... Today - I looked back on my life and I realized I have lived through some very exciting times...
1968 - I remember the election of Richard Nixon - my dad would discuss politics - I was three years old - Nixon took office January 1969.
1977 - I remember the day Elvis Presley died - My mom cried...
1977 - I remember the day my first nephew was born - I remember rushing home to hear the news.
1980 - I remember my first kiss - it was at school behind the gymnasium..
1982 - I remember the day Valley Girl played on KROQ - we all talked like her - gag me with a spoon.
1982 - I remember falling in love for the very first time... and experiencing a few other firsts...
1983 - I remember going to my prom - the Plimsouls played - still love their song - A Million Miles away... Later saw them in the movie Valley Girl - with Nicholas Cage... Nicholas Cage went to elementary school with me... but his last name was Coppola at that time..
1983 - I remember the day I graduated high school - my boyfriend crashed his car and I spent most of the day at the hospital with him... My walking partner was my best friend Mark.. (I miss him)
1984 - I remember my first election - I voted for Ronald Reagan. I was very proud.
1986 - I remember the Space Shuttle Challenger exploding in midair - I was in the shower and I heard it on the radio - could not believe what I was hearing -ran out of the shower and saw the tail end of the explosion on TV and watched the replays over and over again - in a state of shock- our nation mourned that day....
1986 - I remember the day I met my future husband, Dusty. He and his sales rep tried to sell me a copier... My company went with someone else... I went with Dusty - he did not get the sale but he did get the prize...lol
1989 - I remember the day I was married... I remember Dusty left a message on my answering machine -he sang the song "We're going to the Chapel and we're going to get married..."
1992 - I remember when bought our current home - I remember thinking there is no way we could fill up this house - it's huge.. Today - every nook and cranny has something... I love my house.
1994 - I remember the birth of our daughter Krystal Dawn -we had her baptized in the NICU - she died two days later - she was so very tiny - and very beautiful.
1996 -I remember the birth of Nikki - she had a perfect round face, dark hair, and hair on the tips of her ears... She was perfect.
1997 - I remember the day I started my business and I have never looked back...
1998 - I remember the birth of Kara - she was in a hurry to come out into the world - one push and there she was - she was a perfect angel - who squeaked like a little mouse when she slept.
2000 - I remember fearing that my computer would not work properly - it did...
2001 - I remember the first day of kindergarten for Nikki - she was ready to go - I wasn't ready to let her....
2001 - I remember when terrorists planes flew into the World Trade Center - my sister called me from New York and woke me up.... - she said "Our nation is now at war.." I remember the flags flying proudly from every porch on our street... Our nation united during this time... Gas prices dropped below .90 cents...
2002 - I remember Nikki as an orphan in the church Christmas Show.
2003 - I remember the first day of kindergarten for Kara - she wore the same Noah's Ark dress that Nikki had worn... My baby is in school... I cried on my way home... I realized at that moment that time goes by so very fast...
2004 - I remember Kara as a shepherd in the school Christmas play. I remember Nikki placing 2nd in the school spelling bee and competing in the district bee - I remember closing my eyes whenever she spelled a word - sending positive signals.. She did great... She missed the word logging.. spelling it with 1 G and not two... she will forever remember to spell that word...
2005 - I remember our first road trip to Lake Tahoe and San Francisco - The girls loved riding in a canoe with their Uncle Darin. On our drive into the city of San Francisco - we accidentally took a wrong turn and ended up at the front of the Gay parade.. The parade Queen/King? could wear an evening gown better than most.... It was rainbow colored sequins and the crown would blow away Miss Universe's ....It was at least 10 inches high.
2006 - I remember we went to the Bahamas and stayed at The Atlantis - it was an amazing trip.
2007 - Dusty was laid off from his job of 23 years... It was unexpected and life changing....
2008 - I remember I took the girls on a two (2) week road trip - we had an incredible time.. When I came home - my dad was in the hospital - he died four days later...
2008 - I remember voting for McCain - President Obama won... I remember the fear of many...
2009 - I remember listening to the radio while getting my hair cut - there was a new bulletin interruption - Michael Jackson has had a heart attack and he was not breathing... Michael Jackson died the day of my niece's wedding rehearsal dinner..
2009 - I remember my niece Kristin's amazing wedding... No one could be more beautiful and happy.... Nikki and Kara were junior bridesmaids... Nikki caught the bride's bouquet..
2010 - I will remember this year as a difficult year - Dusty was laid off in March - was hired by a great company doing exactly what he loves in September.. I will remember this summer as the summer I never left my office....
I have lived a wonderful life with some sadness tossed in.. - I have witnessed history - the birth of my 3 daughters - the death of a child - the death of a parent - and I have been truly loved....
Happy Birthday! You have seen and done a lot in those years. I enjoyed the list of memories.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Kelly! That's an honest, emotion-filled list. I enjoyed reading about all your memories. Wishing you all the best :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to you sister Kelly! May God bless you and keep you! What a wonderful walk in your memory lane. You're only 4 days older than me :) and I'll be 2 years younger than you! :)
ReplyDeletePraying God's richest blessings to come your way!
happy birthday kelly! what a beautiful post!!! loved the way you did your list. it seems that everyone has a story! and i loved reading yours... hope you enjoy your special day!
Kelly I love you very much and I remember all of you life changing experiences and Loved being there with you. Mom
ReplyDeleteWhat a great list! I learned several things about you just from reading it. Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day full of family, friends and fun!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Kelly! Now you're on your way to making new memories. The birth of your first grandchild. Okay, so that's a long way off yet but it's the first thought that came to my mind. It's 6:34 here and you're still sleeping. :) Do comments like that count when the person's blog you're commenting on is fast asleep? LOL!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to you, Health and Happiness always.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your life, ((HUGS))