Sunday, March 6, 2011

Look Out Crazy Week Ahead...

Just thinking about the week ahead is making me tired....

Monday - Wake up at 6 - wake up the kids - drive one to school - work - keep home school kid on track - pick up kid - rush home - give snack - take both kids to tennis - start dinner - pick up kids from tennis - help with home work - serve dinner - clean up after dinner - study for broker test... Try to fit in The Bachelor - The Women Tell All- study some more - go to bed after midnight

Tuesday - Wake up at 6 -- wake up kids- take husband to airport - drive one to school - work -keep home school kid on track - pick up kid from school - take kids to orthodontist appointment - make dinner - clean up - help with homework - study for broker test.. go to bed after midnight

Wednesday - Wake up at 6 - wake up kids - drive one to school - go to mammogram appointment (saying ouch now)- meet up with girl friend for lunch - home check on home school kid - go pick up kid from school - rush home - give snack - take both kids to tennis - start dinner - pick up kids from tennis - rush kids through dinner - take kids to youth group - study for my exam - pick up kids from youth group - help with homework - sit down watch American Idol.. - study some more - go to bed after midnight

Thursday - Wake up at 6 - wake up kids - drive one to school - drive to the hospital - my mom is having her mastectomy... pick up kid from school - help with homework - start dinner - wait for sitter - go back to hospital - get home - go to bed... after midnight

Friday - Wake up at 6 - wake up the kids - drive one to school - keep home school kid on track - work work work - go to hospital to see mom - pick up kid from school - rush home - give snack -take both kids to tennis - start dinner - pick up kids from tennis - go back to hospital -(Husband is STILL out of town... ) get home - go to bed after midnight...

Saturday - Broker exam crash course - all day - pick up kids - get dinner ready - Go see my mom

Sunday - Broker exam crash course - all day -pick up kids - get dinner ready - wash laundry for the week - grocery shop for the week - Wondering when husband's flight comes in.. Go see my mom...

What's Your Week Ahead Looking Like?


  1. Yuck! I hate those kinds of weeks. I just got done with 2 of those. This week will be just a normal week for me. Good luck on yours!

  2. Wow! Good luck!

    What kind of broker? Real Estate? Investing?

    Good luck to your mom!

  3. Sheesh, and I was complaining I didn't have time to check up on my blog followers.


    do you work and homeschool? (and another in public/private)- That Alone is enough to make me go cross-eyed!

    I hope you get the sleep you need and can SLEEP IN some on the weekend!


  5. It looks a lot like yours...busy and jam packed.

  6. dont you just HATE waking up at 6. makes you hate everyone that wakes up at 8. haha

  7. wow I thought I was busy,have a great week!

  8. So in other words, you're not up to too much this week then are you? :) LOL!!!!!

  9. Love that you remember to take time for yourself and watch your favorite shows!

  10. You are amazing! I got tired just reading that. Have a good week



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