Tuesday, December 20, 2011

C.S Lewis Quote On Christmas....

Among the oxen (like an ox I'm slow)
I see a glory in the stable grow

Which, with the ox's dullness might at length

Give me an ox's strength.

Among the asses (stubborn I as they)
I see my Saviour where I looked for hay;
So may my beastlike folly learn at least
The patience of a beast

Among the sheep (I like a sheep have strayed)
I watch the manger where my Lord is laid;
Oh that my baa-ing nature would win thence

Some woolly innocence!

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  1. C.S. Lewis was such a gifted writer. Thanks for sharing this tid bit with us :D

  2. Merry Christmas!
    I hope you and your family have a blessed New Year!

  3. Merry Christmas when I grow up I wanna be CS Lewis

  4. We use Louisana Oven Fry Chicken Mix. I have only found it at Smart and Final stores.
    Here's a link to their website.



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