You know the saying 'The watched pot never boils'? What that saying means is that if we watch or wait for something to happen it seems to take much longer.... Well ladies and gentlemen - my life is that watched pot... We are waiting for that phone to ring... that email to come.. Something to happen to let us know if we are staying or packing up our bags....
You know what it is like - When all indication look good but you just don't know for sure until you have it in writing ... or the decision maker says - "Congratulations - you're hired!" After five (5) days of interviewing that ended on Wednesday - my husband was told they would try to give him a final answer by Friday... Well, Folks it's Friday at 1:50 PM our time..... 3:50 PM their time...
I'm trying to make myself to stop thinking about it.... Trying to focus on something else... But obviously by the post... I'm not succeeding...
Well Happy Follow Friday - Here's to NOT watching the POT!